Yayyy!!! I went to the beach yesterday with alot of my friends. I had such a good time. Something that i havent seen in such a long time. I finally learned the kind of ppl i would want to be around. They kinda act like me but have thier minds set on what they want in life. Very positive ppl. But ppl get into the fact that this beach was a kiki. They had washed up jelly fishes, and big ass clams. Creatures were grabing my toes underwater. I had to get outta there lol. But overall i had a really good time. Didnt get home until 2 that morning. Plus my bestie Paul spent the night. Follow him on twitter.com/PaulAlonzo38 plus my P.R mama's Klyee @kylee_anna and @romeo3189
I consider myself multitalented. I always feel like I can do it all. Just have to keep in my mind that i can. Not too hard right? My dream is to have a talk show with a dance open and close. My very own fashion shows, promoting my line and some of my favorite designers lines as well. I'm fun, love to live life, and just a happy person in general.
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